I left London and flew back to New York two days ago and tomorrow I head back to California, so my travels are pretty much wrapped up for the moment and technically I should finish up this blog, considering that it's raison d'etre was my journey abroad. I should just post these last pictures commemorating some of the things I saw (and was seen with, although I don't think my presence had much of an effect on the "shadow of a magnitude").
My trip was, on the whole, a success, I think. I found a lot of interesting things in the archive (although the extent of their destinies as to the respective roles they will play in my future thesis remains shrouded in mystery). I was able to do many of the things that I had been looking forward to on this trip--visit museums, see a play, drink many cups of tea, generally be a tourist.... Of course, I couldn't anticipate everything. Some of the surprises were truly pleasant, such as finding a swing club in London, or being able to stay with a friend, and some were truly weird, such as running across the stuffed body of Jeremy Bentham in the lobby of the London University College campus (you can't make this stuff up). Although by the end of it I was tired of living out of a suitcase and spending quite so much time in libraries, I'm very glad I went.
However, this trip was not so epic that a respectful silence must follow its telling, and I am getting accustomed to writing a blog, so it may be hard to stop.... Now that I am not traveling, I'm sure I will not have as much to report, but I am not going to end this blog, I think. Living in Berkeley for three months, life can't be too mundane, and the odd incident may end up here.